Selasa, 30 November 2010
VB .NET Programmer (plus 1 more job) - Job Alert ("Job Alert") from JobsDB.com
7 Ways To Make $700 In 7 Days (freebie for you)
About this time of year, a little extra money
always comes in useful for the colder weather
and upcoming holiday season, so I'd like to
give you a copy of a report I wrote a while
back called:
7 Ways To Make $700 In 7 Days
This used to sell for $37 (I pulled it off the
market about a year ago because a lot of
people copied the idea and name, but with
really bad content), but as a subscriber of
mine, I'd like to give you a copy.
Here's the download link (no opt-in or
anything required):
I put it up on my blog, so leave me a
comment and let me know what you think.
P.S. Also, don't miss this video from my
friend Lee McIntre on how he built a 7-figure
business online by doing everything backwards.
There's no cost to watch, but I do know how
long he'll leave it up for since it's a little bit
embarrassing ;-)
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Senin, 29 November 2010
You have questions waiting for you on Formspring
| |
Re: Update TA Terakhir pak
masih ada yg saya kasih warna merah belum berubah tuh, DFD
- Daftar pustaka masih kosong
- Biodata kurang lengkap, tahun lulusnya belum ada
tolong di cek lagi semua yang sudah saya berikan warna merah itu
hari minggu depan ketemu saya saja langsung, dengan print out TA ini biar gampang ngeceknya
pak ni update terbarukmrin sy slh krim pak.mav ya pak
bayu waseso at gmail dot com
powerby gmail.com
IT Project / Business Analyst (plus 1 more job) - Job Alert ("Job Alert") from JobsDB.com
Your membership
Could an extra two hundred bucks per
day help you out?
How about an extra nine hundred per day?
This guy's got a COMPLETELY new method. . .
I never would dreamed of. But it's making all
that possible in just DAYS. . .
And much more.
You've got to see this to believe it.
P.S. I mean. . .if someone had told me this
was possible last week. I'd have laughed him
out of the room. Looks like he's getting the
last laugh.
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Minggu, 28 November 2010
Re: Update TA Terakhir pak
Baca dulu Gus
1. kata pengantar, tanggal mulai TA nya dr dulu sampai sekarang belum diiisi
2. deskripsi pekerjaan hal 44 belum ada keterangannya
3. struktur code hal 54, diisi tentang kode yang digunakan, contoh: Kd_Obat, terdiri dari 4 digit, 2 digit pertama tentang No urut obat, 2 digit berikutnya kode supplier obatnya, dst...
4. Hipo detil belum terisi
5. contoh output berupa laporan hal 76 belum ada
6. jadwal implementasi belum ada
7. bab 5, kesimpulan dan saran belum ada
perbaiki dan cetak ya, nanti ketemu saya sudah tercetak
Ok, nanti saya baca2 dulu
bayu waseso at gmail dot com
powerby gmail.com
bayu waseso at gmail dot com
powerby gmail.com
oops... almost missed this
If you missed the link to the video I sent
you earlier, here you go:
I've got to warn ya though, this video is
a little controversial and not what you'd
It's about how my friend Lee when from
0 to 7 figures online by doing everything
There's no cost to watch, but I do know
how long he'll leave it up for since it's a
little embarrassing ;-)
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Re: Update TA Terakhir pak
JobsDB: Your resume is approved "new cv"
If you cannot view this email, please click here and change your email preferences at MyJobsDB. Please add JobsDB.com - Indonesia
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JobsDB: Your resume is approved "new"
If you cannot view this email, please click here and change your email preferences at MyJobsDB. Please add JobsDB.com - Indonesia
This email was sent to you at reghe01@gmail.com as a registered user of JobsDB.com. To change your personal contact or account details, please click here to edit your account settings. For further assistance or more information about JobsDB, please visit our FAQ page or contact us at 6th Floor, Wisma 77, Jl. S. Parman Kav. 77, Jakarta 11410, Tel: 62-21-5367 8888, or Email: cs@jobsdb.co.id. Click here to view our privacy statement. |
From ZERO to 7 FIGURES...(free video)
My good friend Lee McIntyre has just released a
controversial free video where he reveals the 3
weird little strategies that he used to build a
SEVEN FIGURE online business in record time.
I'm not sure how long this will be available for
so my best advice is to go check this out now by
visiting the link below immediately.
You might find the video a little UNCOMFORTABLE
in places but it's important that you watch it while
making a ton of notes.
Rush below immediately before he comes to his
senses and pulls this down forever...
To your success!
P.S Lee McIntyre built a 7 figure online business
by doing the exact OPPOSITE to most so called
To see exactly what he did so you can COPY AND
PASTE his success go below right away...
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Sabtu, 27 November 2010
Java Programmer - Job Alert ("Job Alert") from JobsDB.com
Affiliate Invite - $1,000 Commissions
My good friend and list building guru, Glen
Hopkins has a launch coming up that pays
out $1,000 commissions per sale on the front
end and I thought you might be interested
in getting in on the action:
By the way, there's also over $65k in cars
and cash prizes for the top partners as well,
so there's lots of earning potential.
All the info's at this link:
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Jumat, 26 November 2010
Staff IT (Technical Support) (plus 1 more job) - Job Alert ("Job Alert") from JobsDB.com
Asia Pacific, Japan & Greater China Student Technology Forum is here again!
Asia Pacific, Japan & Greater China Student Technology Forum is here again!
Quarterly Online WebEx Meeting invite!
Register today!!
Join our Asia Pacific, Japan and Greater China (APJ & GC) Student Technology Forum to learn about cool technical updates and the latest Packet Tracer features! You will also learn cool pointers that may solve your headaches in choosing cross-over or straight-through cables, IOS automation macros and how to enable a desired set of hosts to gain access when needed.
Register to participate. Click on the following URL: https://cisco.webex.com/cisco/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=209159102 Event password: netacad
Hurry, places are limited! Register now to join our live WebEx session hosted by Cisco Technical experts. We will draw 3 winners from the attendee list; you could be in the running to win great prizes!
Ø PT: Branch, HQ, ISP & home office networks, how do we put them together?
Ø It's OK to use wrong cable!
Ø Super cool macros in IOS
Ø "Open sesame" - you can catch more than 40 thieves
Date: 10th December 2010 (Friday)
2:00 pm until 3:30 pm (UTC/GMT +8 hours)
Australia - NSW - Sydney Mon 5:00 PM
Bangladesh - Dhaka Mon 12:00 Noon
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Sri Lanka - Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte Mon 11:30 AM
Thailand - Bangkok Mon 1:00 PM
Vietnam - Hanoi Mon 1:00 PM
For time zone not in the list, please use time converter URL.
To attend the online WebEx forum, speaker or headsets are required. VoIP will be used for this forum.
Please login 15-20 minutes prior to the start of the forum to test your audio.
Remember, if you wish to attend this event, you must register at
https://cisco.webex.com/cisco/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=209159102 (password: netacad)
Talk to you soon!
Best Regards,
John Lim
CCIE #2977
Senior Manager, Technical Advocacy
Asia Pacific, Japan and Greater China
Academy Connection Team
If you are not an Academy Connection user and have received this email in error, please contact the Cisco Networking Academy Help Desk at academysupport@netacad.net for assistance.
Hey rasta, Problem With ClickBank?
Have you seen this yet?
(GO NOW, there's only a few copies left).
This guy made $206,813 with ClickBank this month.
He made another $11,430 yesterday.
And he did it with this NEW software.
Go here for a sneak preview:
Now this "ATM" software has only been live a few hours.
But the buzz is already *CRAZY*.
So much so... that there's only a handful of copies remaining.
And the spots are going *FAST*.
If you want to finally succeed as an affiliate...
* with a PROVEN software tool that just WORKS
* want to finally get REVENGE on the gurus
* need a new approach that can make up to $14,227 per day
... then you should grab your copy, right here, right NOW:
It's true...
Wallace has finally cracked the ClickBank code.
But it seems the word is "out" about this one...
And the word is the site could get pulled soon.
So you must take action right now.
There's only a few copies available.
And the clock is ticking
Go to this special link...
.. and grab your copy right now.
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Kamis, 25 November 2010
Oracle EBS Financials Functional – Senior Consultants / Consultants (plus 2 more jobs) - Job Alert ("Job Alert") from JobsDB.com