Senin, 31 Mei 2010


0 komentar
Hey rasta,

This is your final notice.

This ends at midnight EST tonight...

To your success,


P.S. Also, if you haven't signed up for my
List Getting training yet, it starts tomorrow
so this is your last chance to sign up.

Just hit this link to sign up or for more info:

To unsubscribe from our periodic e-mail messages, please click the following link:


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Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

rasta - this underground money-getting system is making waves...

0 komentar
Hey rasta

Just had to share this with you. If you
want to create passive income, but don't
have hours to spend 'working' each day,
this is definitely for you...

Even if you only have a few minutes to
spend 'working' online each day, you can
create your own stream of passive income.
Even if you've never made a dime online.

This isn't PPC, traditional article marketing,
or boring SEO. This is a completely new,
completely unique money-getting strategy...
and you need to check this out right now.



To unsubscribe from our periodic e-mail messages, please click the following link:


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Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

'izul-zein' on

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If you can't view HTML email, please go to


Is Your Sight
Being Seen?
Advertise with
us for only $29.95

Do we have a current thumbnail of your web site?
If not, Update it Now!

Thank you for allowing us to display web sites like yours in our listings! 

It's May so that means Spring Cleaning at  so dust off your website, make it shine and then sign up for a Premiere Listing only $29.95 for six months! 

A Premiere Listing can benefit your web site in many different ways.  We don't do pay-per-click so there is no incentive for robo-clicks and no need for keyword bidding.  And because our web site displays a thumbnail image of your web page, your site receives great branding exposure!

Besides being at the top of the search results for relevant searches, your listing will be displayed in the top of our targeted local directory listings where one listing can be displayed in as many as 11 places. 

For example, if you are a realtor in the USA, with a zip code of 75214, your listing would appear in the directory under each of the following, relevant headings:

■ Real Estate
■ Real Estate > Real Estate Services
■ United States
■ United States > Texas
■ United States > Texas > Dallas
■ United States > Texas > Dallas > Real Estate
■ United States > Texas > Dallas > Real Estate > Real Estate Services
■ United States > Texas > Real Estate
■ United States > Texas > Real Estate > Real Estate Services
■ United States > Real Estate
■ United States > Real Estate > Real Estate Services

That's 1 Premiere Listing, 11 different, relevant pages! All for a 1 time cost of $29.95

Search by sight is quicker than reading.
We have all heard that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but in the real world we all know that a great cover sells the book. The same holds true for the Internet. If a picture is worth a thousand words then just imagine, how much quicker you can search the internet by sight.

Thank you for taking the time to help us in 'Changing the Way the World Looks at the Internet!'
Your Team at

You have received this email as a result of submitting your web page to and agreeing to our terms of service.  We only want to send update information to those who want to receive it.  To stop receiving email update information from, please go here. is a TJ Ventures Inc. company
3321 Preston Hwy
Louisville, KY 40213

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Selasa, 25 Mei 2010


0 komentar
Kalo sudah download template TA saya,
silahkan masukkan isi AP kamu ke dokumen TA

Bab 1 TA kan kalo ada di AP silahkan masukkan ke dalam (copy paste) gitu
Bab 2 TA kan belum ada tuh di AP, buatlah
Bab 3 TA ada sebagian di AP, silahkan di lengkapi saja

lagian kan di AP kamu, masih ada nama pembimbing pak Rolis
skarang kan bimbingannya saya bukan :)
silahkan di perbaiki sesuai dengan template dokumen TA saya

jangan lupa sekarang kan ngerjakan TA bukan AP jadi sesuaikan dulu dokumennya
jangan lupa utk beri nama file TA, misalnya TA Agus Z.doc
biar lebih jelas...

ok saya tunggu perbaikannya

2010/5/26 rasta slow slow <>

ya maaf pak kmrin ga ksh nama sy.
ni agus zulkarnain pak
mav lg pak tenyata yang sy krim kmrn itu yg belm di revisi..
jd sy krim lg yg ud di revisi pak..
sy ud download templatenya pak..
mksd bapak hrs di ubah bhs TA yg mn'a pak?
mav sy agak bingung soalnya..
makasih pak
mhon di bantu


bayu waseso at gmail dot com
Read full story Offers VIP Status - Great Way to Find Invites

0 komentar
Just a quick note to those of you TalkPrizes Forum members.  We now have additional features available to VIP Members only.  To Become a Talkprizes VIP member all you need to do is go here, and sign up for $4.99.  As a VIP Member you will get all of the following which includes access to the Special Lockerz Invite Folder (you will be able to get more invites):
Access to the Special VIP Section, as well as the Invite Folder plus these Additional VIP Privileges:

- Can have 2 Images in a Signature Instead of only 1
- Larger Signature Space (500 characters vs 300)
- Can Delete own Posts
- Private Message Box can Hold 1000 instead of 200
- Can PM 10 People at once instead of 2
- Can See invisible Users
- 1 Extra MB of User Picture Space
Remember you can become a Forum VIP and help us with our server bill simply by signing up for VIP at

15645 Ocean Walk Circle #215, Fort Myers, FL 33908, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Rahmi Kaloko mengundang Anda untuk membuka account email di Google

0 komentar
Saya telah menggunakan Gmail dan menurut saya Anda mungkin ingin
mencobanya. Berikut adalah undangan untuk membuat account.

Rahmi Kaloko mengundang Anda untuk membuat account Gmail, gratis.

Untuk menerima undangan tersebut dan membuat account Anda, kunjungi

Setelah Anda membuat account, Rahmi Kaloko akan diberitahu alamat
email baru Anda, jadi kalian bisa saling berkomunikasi lewat Gmail!

Bila Anda belum pernah mendengar apa itu Gmail, Gmail adalah layanan
email berbasis web (ada fasilitas mesin pencari pula!) yang

- Kapasitas gratis berukuran 2.700 megabyte lebih (dua gigabyte)
- Fasilitas mesin pencari Google yang bisa menemukan email apapun di
account Anda
- Keunikan cara mengelompokkan email, di mana email dan balasannya
diatur dalam "percakapan"
- Perlindungan spam canggih dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Google yang inovatif
- Kenyamanan, tidak ada iklan besar yang mengganggu, hanya sejumlah
kecil iklan baris dan daftar halaman terkait yang sesuai dengan email
yang sedang Anda lihat

Supaya paham serba-serbi Gmail sebelum mendaftar ke layanan ini, kunjungi:

Kami tetap berupaya meningkatkan kemampuan Gmail tiap hari, jadi ada
kemungkinan kami akan meminta saran dan komentar Anda dari waktu ke
waktu. Kami harap Anda akan menyukainya sebagaimana kami juga. Karena
layanan ini akan semakin bagus saja.

Terima kasih,

Tim Gmail

(Bila URL di atas tak bisa diklik, salin dan tempel URL tersebut ke
bilah alamat di browser Anda.)

Read full story


0 komentar
Ternyata kamu to Gus,...
Agus Zulkarnain...

kamu akan menggunakan AP ini untuk TA kan?
kalo ya, tolong rubah dulu ke format TA
download dulu template dokumennya di

setelah itu kirim lagi ke saya ya....
sementara itu saya cek dulu AP nya (belum berubah ke TA)
ini sudah perbaikan yang terakhir setelah koreksi dari sidang bukan??

2010/5/24 Bayu Waseso <>
Waalaikumsalam wrwb,

Kalo baca email ini,

saya ndak tahu ini dr siapa
tapi yang pasti mahasiswa saya, tapi apa masuk bimbingan saya apa tidak
perlu dilihat dulu setelah download filenya

filenya ukurannya besar juga ya 5MB,
untung koneksi saya cukup kuat lho,
ini saran saja, biar lebih baik:

1. sebutkan nama dulu, atau kasih nama di bagian bawah email, karena kebetulan alamat email beda dgn nama aslinya
2. kalo ukuran filenya lebih dari 2MB lebih baik di zip (kompres) dulu biar ndak nyusahin orang yg dikirimin email saat download filenya

dah itu saja, nanti saya cek dulu ya, sementara download dulu

2010/5/24 rasta slow slow <>

assalammu alaikum..
pak bayu mohon diperiksa apakah AP saya ini
mohon diperiksa yang di bagian flowchart,di normalisasinya dan ERD'a pak,
saya msih bingung di normalisasinya dan ERDnya....
apa boleh di 2nf itu kita bs menjadikan detail pak?
dan sebaiknya hrs kaya gmn pak?
makasih sebelumnya wb wr......


bayu waseso at gmail dot com


bayu waseso at gmail dot com
Read full story


0 komentar
Waalaikumsalam wrwb,

Kalo baca email ini,

saya ndak tahu ini dr siapa
tapi yang pasti mahasiswa saya, tapi apa masuk bimbingan saya apa tidak
perlu dilihat dulu setelah download filenya

filenya ukurannya besar juga ya 5MB,
untung koneksi saya cukup kuat lho,
ini saran saja, biar lebih baik:

1. sebutkan nama dulu, atau kasih nama di bagian bawah email, karena kebetulan alamat email beda dgn nama aslinya
2. kalo ukuran filenya lebih dari 2MB lebih baik di zip (kompres) dulu biar ndak nyusahin orang yg dikirimin email saat download filenya

dah itu saja, nanti saya cek dulu ya, sementara download dulu

2010/5/24 rasta slow slow <>
assalammu alaikum..
pak bayu mohon diperiksa apakah AP saya ini
mohon diperiksa yang di bagian flowchart,di normalisasinya dan ERD'a pak,
saya msih bingung di normalisasinya dan ERDnya....
apa boleh di 2nf itu kita bs menjadikan detail pak?
dan sebaiknya hrs kaya gmn pak?
makasih sebelumnya wb wr......


bayu waseso at gmail dot com
Read full story

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

RE: Your Purchase...

0 komentar
This one is on me!

Order Name: Triple Profit Multiplier
Order Date: 5/22/10
Order Status: Complete
Amount: $0.00 - Discounted by Justin Michie

Download link:

Enjoy the product and thank you for
being a subscriber.

Your friend,

Justin Michie

To unsubscribe from our periodic e-mail messages, please click the following link:


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Jumat, 21 Mei 2010

How Did you Find The Lockerz Forum?

0 komentar
While we all wait for more information from the Lockerz team, I thought it would be fun to share with each other how we all found the Lockerz Forum.
We continue to strive to make the Forum the one stop place for all the updated information you need about this Amazing Giveaway site.
We are partners with 2 of the Largest Online Prize forums in:


15645 Ocean Walk Circle #215, Fort Myers, FL 33908, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Academy Connection Outage Schedule

0 komentar
May 20, 2010
Academy Connection Outage Schedule  
In This Issue:
Two Outages Planned for June
Two Outages Planned for June

Scheduled Academy Connection Down Time June 5

Academy Connection will be unavailable for several hours on Saturday, June 5, 2010 PDT for scheduled maintenance and system enhancements. The outage will begin at 2:00 p.m. PDT (21:00 GMT). Please make arrangements to accommodate this schedule for minimal impact on your course delivery and assessment activities. Your understanding is appreciated.

Scheduled Limited Outage on June 11

The following Networking Academy websites will be unavailable for several hours on Friday, June 11, 2010 PDT for scheduled maintenance and system enhancements. The outage will begin at 11 a.m. PDT (18:00 GMT).

Curriculum and assessment delivery will not be affected by this outage. Your understanding is appreciated.

You received this e-mail because you indicated in your Academy Connection User Profile that you were willing to receive information about the program. If you do not wish to receive additional e-mails related to Cisco Networking Academy, please click here to unsubscribe or log into Academy Connection and click My Profile at the top of the page. Click Edit Profile to change your settings within the "Participation Opportunities" section.
© 1996-2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Powered by IMN


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Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Welcome to the Newsletter

0 komentar
Hello Lockerz Member, Thanks for signing up to the LockerzForum
updates list. You will be notified of all the latest news in the
Lockerz Arena.

Remember to Check these 2 Lockerz Forums out each day for the latest:

15645 Ocean Walk Circle #215, Fort Myers, FL 33908, USA

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

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Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Confirm your subscription to lockerzforum.

0 komentar
We received your request for information from the lockerzforum
group. Before we begin sending you the information you
requested, we want to be certain we have your permission.


Click the link above to give us permission to send you
information. It's fast and easy! If you cannot click the
full URL above, please copy and paste it into your web

If you do not want to confirm, simply ignore this message.

Thank You, in Cooperation with

15645 Ocean Walk Circle #215, Fort Myers, FL 33908, USA

Request generated by:
Date: May 19, 2010 02:31 EDT

Read full story

Senin, 17 Mei 2010

6 Figure System (F'ree Download!)

0 komentar
Hey rasta

I've got an extremely cool gift for
you today that I'm sure you'll find
very useful:

This great gift is a breakthrough
system from my friends Alvin and
Joel called the Triple Profit Multiplier.

Inside you'll discover their secret
strategies you can use to triple your
profits and guarantee long term
autopilot income.

You download their 6 figure profit
multiplier system here:

You're gonna like it ;-)


P.S. This is the same exact system
that they've been using to generate 6
figures online year after year... and for
a limited time, you can STEAL a copy
for yourself. Hurry. Go here now:


To unsubscribe from our periodic e-mail messages, please click the following link:


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Sabtu, 15 Mei 2010

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

0 komentar

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below.



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here:

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Read full story

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

0 komentar

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below.



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here:

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Read full story

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

0 komentar

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below.



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here:

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Read full story

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

0 komentar

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below.



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here:

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Read full story

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

0 komentar

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below.



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here:

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Read full story

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

0 komentar

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below.



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here:

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Read full story

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

0 komentar

silly.boy66 wants to keep up with you on Twitter

Twitter connects you with everything you want to know, right now. Short bursts of information are readily available from news organizations, corporate entities, politicians, celebrities, local businesses - even your close friends and family. Also, if you have something to share with the world, Twitter makes it super easy. To join for free, click the link below.



About Twitter, Inc.

Founded in 2007, Twitter Inc believes the open exchange of information can have a positive global impact. Every "Tweet" is limited to 140 characters of text or links which means they are easily written or read on a wide variety of services and devices including any mobile phone, social networks, television, Macs, PCs, and the Web.

This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, click here:

Please do not reply to this message; it was sent from an unmonitored email address. This message is a service email related to your use of Twitter. For general inquiries or to request support with your Twitter account, please visit us at Twitter Support.

Read full story

Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

'izul-zein' on

0 komentar

If you can't view HTML email, please go to


Is Your Sight
Being Seen?
Advertise with
us for only $29.95

Do we have a current thumbnail of your web site?
If not, Update it Now!

Thank you for allowing us to display web sites like yours in our listings! 

It's May so that means Spring Cleaning at  so dust off your website, make it shine and then sign up for a Premiere Listing only $29.95 for six months! 

A Premiere Listing can benefit your web site in many different ways.  We don't do pay-per-click so there is no incentive for robo-clicks and no need for keyword bidding.  And because our web site displays a thumbnail image of your web page, your site receives great branding exposure!

Besides being at the top of the search results for relevant searches, your listing will be displayed in the top of our targeted local directory listings where one listing can be displayed in as many as 11 places. 

For example, if you are a realtor in the USA, with a zip code of 75214, your listing would appear in the directory under each of the following, relevant headings:

■ Real Estate
■ Real Estate > Real Estate Services
■ United States
■ United States > Texas
■ United States > Texas > Dallas
■ United States > Texas > Dallas > Real Estate
■ United States > Texas > Dallas > Real Estate > Real Estate Services
■ United States > Texas > Real Estate
■ United States > Texas > Real Estate > Real Estate Services
■ United States > Real Estate
■ United States > Real Estate > Real Estate Services

That's 1 Premiere Listing, 11 different, relevant pages! All for a 1 time cost of $29.95

Search by sight is quicker than reading.
We have all heard that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but in the real world we all know that a great cover sells the book. The same holds true for the Internet. If a picture is worth a thousand words then just imagine, how much quicker you can search the internet by sight.

Thank you for taking the time to help us in 'Changing the Way the World Looks at the Internet!'
Your Team at

You have received this email as a result of submitting your web page to and agreeing to our terms of service.  We only want to send update information to those who want to receive it.  To stop receiving email update information from, please go here. is a TJ Ventures Inc. company
3321 Preston Hwy
Louisville, KY 40213

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Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Canadian marketer gets stuck at U.S. border, discovers marketing breakthrough...

0 komentar

Real quick… while this Canadian marketer was
stuck in a two hour car 'pile-up' to cross the
border to the U.S.A….

She saw billboards on the highway that at first,
*puzzled her beyond belief*…

Then she had an 'A HA' moment that gave her
the 'fast highway' to the RICHEST NICHE... that
anyone can quickly and easily dominate…

In fact, her first 'try' at this brought in a client
worth FIFTY grand in less than one month!

Now, you can go grab her f.ree report so you
can jump on the super fast highway as well...




To unsubscribe from our periodic e-mail messages, please click the following link:


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Temukan gerbang menuju neraka!

0 komentar
If this newsletter is not shown right, click here please.
Baru: Lambang diperbarui
  Salam babel!
Sombong, Iri Hati, Rakus... dosa mematikan telah menyebabkan kegemparan dalam dunia BiteFight. Rubah peperangan antara mahluk malam selamanya, dengan memecahkan tujuh lambang misterius.
Capai kemenangkan dengan suku anda!
Ketika suku memiliki semua lambang, ini akan memberikan manfaat seperti emas, perlindungan atay regenerasi setelah lambang-lambang tersebut melakukan ritual pembukaan gerbang ajaib!
Lepaskan kekuatan kuno!
Terserah anda yntuk menjarah senjata-senjata neraka ini dan menggunakan kekuatannya untuk memimpin anda ke kemenangan! Lepaskan kekuatan kuno dan pergi berburu sekali lagi!
Selamat bermain!
Tim BiteFight anda
Login Sekarang
Perjuangan untuk lambang telah dimulai
Jarah lambang-lambang selama perang suku atau ritual ajaib!  
Dapatkan hadiah yang lebih menarik dalam perang suku yang lebih pendek!  
Gunakan lambang untuk memperlemah musuh anda selama perang!  
Bonus spesial menunggu anggota suku yang terlibat dalam pembukaan gerbang!  
Kalahkan setan penjaga dan dapatkan tambahan poin pengalaman!  
Interface untuk semua pemain berubah setelah pembukaan gerbang!  
  Anda menerima email ini karena Anda terdaftar di sebuah Gameforge permainan dan dengan T & C diterima penerimaan e-Surat-surat.

Jika Anda tidak ingin mendapatkan informasi tentang permainan baru lagi, klik di sini untuk berhenti berlangganan milis ini

Gameforge Productions GmbH, Albert-Nestler-Straße 8, 76131 Karlsruhe, Jerman
Tel: +49 (0) 700 GAMEFORGE (+49 (0) 700 426336743)
Fax: +49 (0) 721 354.808.152, hubungi mail:
Distrik komersial dan pendaftaran, Mannheim, Jerman: HRB 701682
Bisnis pajak: DE254298652
Presiden: Alexander Rösner

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